A vision inspired by the story of Ruth

The time has come, let’s go, call your sisters”.…

     Liser la vision en Français – Une vision inspirée par l’histoire de Ruth. une Alliance de Femmes de médias francophone.

A vision inspired by Ruth’s Story

In march 2005, as I was attending The NRB annual convention in L.A.,   a pain started to raise in my heart coming with those questions  : how is it possible to gather the french christian servants in media in my country France? What can I do to help building unity ? How can we build true and faithful relationships?

It was Jesus’s call and as I answered: “yes, Lord send me”, the Lord started to encourage me, nourishing the vision of unity in my spirit and I started to pray on a regular basis about it.

Three years later, in 2008, I had the privilege to attend the Christian Women in media annual convention in Nashville.  I’m still very thankful for all the encouragement and insight I get during those days, and an incredible blessing through workshops, conversations, teachings, worship and prayer.

The vision to gather women in media in France was stirred up in my spirit.

In may 2008, as I was attending a French women meeting (Aglow), I met a sister in Christ. She had been involved since the beginning of 80th in media, specially in radio ministry.  She was a pioneer and was living in a quite painful transition, feeling rejected, tired,  lacking vision and trust in her capacities. She opened her heart to me, letting me know a little bit of her dead dreams, her expectations and her suffering. Great time, for  I had a lot of respect for her. It touched my heart in such a powerful way that I suddenly realized the urgency to pray for an alliance.  So I cried to God, asking for release of the vision and help.  So that my own heart be ignited with passion.

The Alliance Ruth and Noémie is born in South Africa, in February 2010.  As I was in a  missionnary outreach with Ywam in Capetown Peninsula.  In such a beautiful place, where the revivial and   Mandela’s fight for unity is still perceptible and intense, I started to study the book of Ruth and in a few hours the vision took shape. God spoke to my heart giving me  values and strategies to start with.   He said : “the time has come, let’s go, call your sisters”.

I invite you now to discover the core values and purpose of Ruth and Noémie.

The reasons for an Alliance

As Christian women in France, we have been put in a place of exile, during centuries, because of history and antichrist environment. Lack of confidence, isolation and solitude was our lot, preventing women ministry to rise and discouraging the pioneers and rare leaders to press on.

But by God’s grace, some Christian sisters raised up in media ministries, with courage and determination started to conquer the Media area (books, local radio). They never lacked faith and creativity but went through times of discouragement and trials.

On their path, joys, incredible divine appointments, and faithful service but also breakdowns, abandonment, failures and rejection….

More than ever, Christian women in France and French speaking nations, need encouragement, need desperately friends and servant-heart leaders who will help them to walk and fight the good fight of faith.  Truly friends. They have now the opportunity to make a covenant together.

As women involved in christian media we need to organize our life as Ruth and Noémie did in the promise land.  Our Restoration in dignity and capacity to give birth for Christ will open a way to blessing now and for the next generation : All the young women and teenagers who are called and gifted for media are longing for help, teaching, prayer and spiritual mothers.

As our own life and vision is transformed enriched and strengthened, we experiment solidarity and the wealth of our belonging to a lineage and our own legacy.

Willing to join our sisters in an alliance is a way to reinforce and express our attachment to our master Jesus.

« Ruth et Noémie » core values

Ruth et Noémie is not an alliance for organizations and ministries because people are more important and valuable than works.

This Alliance is for born again christian women involved or called to Media ministries, who have the desire to build both relationship and ministry on God’s word, prayer and by the holy spirit guidance. That’s the reason why sticking to core values so important.

When we enter in such an alliance, it’s not necessary to beg people, it’s something written deap in the heart.

  • Authenticity, transparency
  • loyalty
  • integrity
  • Commitment and servant attitude.

We want also to build this alliance encouraging relationship and partnership with local churches, fellowships, missions and men!

Field for Ruth and Noémie : frenchspeaking christian media.


A place for restauration of strengh and faith

Noémie had become Mara (bitter) : she needed Restoration.

In joining this Alliance, we commit to partner with the Holy Spirit to develop relationship what will help women to get free of bitterness. Restoration of joy in ministry is one of the main purpose.

Showing respect to every ministry and vision, seeking unity is the best way for the breakthrough and liberation of the new generation of media ministries. That’s what we can learn from Ruth and Noémie Story too.

Noémie had become Mara (bitter) : she needed Restoration.

In joining this Alliance, we commit to partner with the Holy Spirit to develop relationship what will help women to get free of bitterness. Restoration of joy in ministry is one of the main purpose.

Showing respect to every ministry and vision, seeking unity is the best way for the breakthrough and liberation of the new generation of media ministries. That’s what we can learn from Ruth and Noémie Story too.

One voice, on heart : Ruth and Noémie a place for :

A place to developp our capacity to listen, to encourage each other and exhort in biblical teaching.

Shearing time of communion, regaining rest and celebrating our life, enjoying true encouragement.

Training to develop our creativity and gifts.  For exemple : writing sessions, teaching for radio (how to interview, how to adapt a text for radio, programming, how to organize an internet website, how to write a scenario. The purpose is also to perform and join together in a common project.

Under the leadership and help of teachers and different ministries, The Ruth and Noémie will benefit workshop, with practical training. A time to learn, to share and grow without stress  or competition, A time to discover others talents.

Time for prayer and intercession (no counselling ) for personnal needs or for ministries : take time to seek God

Asking and receiving.  Practical solidarity : as Jesus ask us to do : love by action, not by words only.  No entrance fee except for food is demanded for seminars but love offering and free support for the teachers (travel expenses)

Internet website : It’s a baby, a way to help women to communicate and perform.

It can be also a resource center.

A hot line for intercession would be a wonderful way to help eachother. One a week, having a rendez-vous to pray together by chat and a private place to give updates and call for prayer in case of urgency.

Ruth and Noémie is sponsored and supported by FRTC, for logistic, contacts and spiritual covering.


Bâtir ensemble un lieu de restauration des forces et de la foi

Noémie était devenue Mara…l’amère : elle avait besoin de restauration.

Au travers de cette Alliance, nous nous engageons à collaborer avec le Saint Esprit pour développer des relations qui favoriseront la disparition de l’amertume et la restauration de la joie dans nos relations et dans le service.

Dans le respect de la vision de chacune, l’unité permet le déblocage de la bénédiction et la libération des jeunes générations dans le service de Dieu par les médias. C’est ce que nous enseigne la merveilleuse collaboration de Ruth et Noémie !

Annie’s breve story

Annie experimented a radical and dramatic conversion to Jesus Christ in December 1976, she was 19.

After an university master degree in modern history, she got married in 1980 with Denis Steffen. Her spouse received the call to serve in media (radio) in 1981 and Annie was lead to join him in September 1982. Denis was a co-founder under Pastor Pierre Truschel leadership of on of the first local Christian radio in Grenoble, “Radio Certitude”

She was serving as secretary and also on air from 1983 to 1989.

Denis has been serving as president of the Christian evangelical radio fellowship since 1991 and has also been very active in a national organization CNRA (National counsel for non profit radios) as member of the committee.

Annie has also been involved as secretary in Frtc since 2010 and has been part of a webradio specially dedicated to women.

She has been working as communicator and cultural assistant in a city hall during 12 years. In 2008, she asked for a sabbatical time and started a training in medical secretary.  After joining crossword DTS with Ywam in 2009/2010 where she experimented great healings and opened her heart to nations, Annie and Denis moved in Champagne (100 kms east Paris) in july 2010. They live now in Savoie, near LYON (south-east of France)

Annie is really fond of reading, discovering nations and writing.

Denis and Annie have 3 children..  Fleur, 31,  is leading DTS in Ywam Australia.  Gregoire 33 is a computer technician and Claire 29 an optician.

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